Life-force yoga for depression and anxiety:
Meditation Practices
A treatment method designed to help individuals learn to manage difficult mood symptoms. Life-force yoga methods can be very beneficial for people struggling with:
Life-force Yoga for anxiety and depression is used by a variety of practitioners, including psychotherapists, yoga therapists, yoga teachers, and others who work in the healing arts.
I am a certified level-1 trained LFY practitioner of the Amy Weintraub program, MFA, E-RYT 500
I integrate LFY practices within my psychotherapeutic sessions seated with many clients to teach them breath exercises to help them calm the central nervous system and ultimately calm their brain.
LFY practitioners use a variety of methods to help people move toward greater health and healing. These methods include:
Mindfulness Practices:
I teach my clients about mindfulness when they enter my practice, it serves as a useful tool they can use at any given moment when they are feeling a need to ground themselves throughout their day. Mindfullness has everything to do with being present with all that is, a mental status achieved by focusing ones awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting ones feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations.
Mindfulness practices can help us to increase our ability to regulate emotions, decrease stress, anxiety and depression. It can also help us to focus our attention, as well as observe our thoughts and feelings without judgement. It is scientifically suggested that self-awarenesss (arising from increased attention to the moment-to-moment experience) and acceptance of experiences play a crucial role in self-regulation. Improved coping and psychological functioning enhances self-regulation and creates more equanimity.
The evidence base for mindfulness practices among a number of health conditions and various populations around the world… is something at least worth trying; the risks are minimal, the science base is decent and all the evidence points to positive impacts such as being less reactive, less stressed and feeling better overall.